Technology Portfolio Management (TPM)
A compilation of information about a firms investments in Information Technology.The information is organized to show how these investments support the firm’s goals and to demonstrate the relationships among current and planned investments.
Technology Inventory
Create a service catalogue of the critical technical infrastructure.
Set standards & reduces the time and cost of delivering technical services and improves the user experience.

- Manage service catalogue
- Manage service attribute details
- Record technology vendor
- Record technology manufacturers
- Maintain computing types
- Maintain technology service lifecycle state
- Record platform type
- Link inflight projects to technology services
- Technology adoption scoring
- Perform digital needs assessment
- Perform assessments and audits
Technology Service Dependencies
Links technical infrastructure to the business applications that it supports. Identify the critical business processes ensuring money is budgeted to support the essential business applications.
- Is Used By Application
- Is Used By Technology Service
Technology Assessments
Generate Technology Health Score. Understand the technical maturity and organization capabilities. Focus investments on the larger gaps.
Technology Assessments
Data management involves the collection, storage, analysis, and sharing of data within an organization
Investment Data
Support discovery, project, and asset (including applications) investments.
- Maintain unlimited investment types in a single portfolio
- Include multiple standard investment types
- Supports discovery, project, and asset (including application) investments
- Supports other investment types
- Allow unlimited user-defined investment types
- Portfolio can contain multiple investment types
- Enables a top-down or bottom-up approach
Repository data
A data repository offers a consolidated space to store information about the stored data critical to your applications and operations
Business Intelligence & Reporting
Prepare and analyze data to find and share actionable insights. Visualize relationships between the business score, technology score and the criticality of applications, programs, and projects.
- Export data to Excel. Easily share data with others and collaborate, spot potential opportunities and connections among and between investments
- Override default calculations
- Correlations and covariances among investments
- Real-time Technology Health Dashboard
- Publish application health scores
- Completely customizable. Select subjective ratings and specify criteria functions and analytics
- Track and measure dependencies, constraints, and support for each investment
- Generate detailed asset investment report to measure the dependencies, constraints, and support for each investment in the portfolio