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Program & Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

Program & Project Portfolio Management (PPM)

The following are some of the main features for GetlnSync Fractional CIO Management Platform

Program Portfolio Management

Aligns strategic business drivers and their projects with corporate wide programs.

Align Strategic Business Drives with Programs
Aligh Projects with Programs
Define data about initiatives with associated programs & projects

Project Portfolio Management

Maintain key business drivers ensuring that technology planning is aligned with what matters most.

Programs & Project Repository

Identifies the most important differentiators between projects, such as return on investment, risk, efficiency, or strategic alignment.

Monitor Proposed, Staged and Inflight Projects
Track project level objectives and key results (OKRS)
Optionally Link Programs to Initiatives (Ideas)
Optionally Link Project to Initiatives (Ideas)

High-level Project Planning

Program and Project Vitals

Track programs and their projects, status, budget, schedule, scope, and resources.